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Making operations safer, easier to manage and more productive.

3D Safety's workforce management application will drive your business to new heights by aligning your systems of work and helping you deliver more efficient and safer outcomes.


Over 15,000 companies use the 3D Safety platform to empower workers and inform leaders

People and plant onboarding

Consistent, simple and efficient. 3D Safety's online onboarding enables teams to get workers and plant up to speed with zero fuss.

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3D Home screen


Site Access Management

With a wide range of options for projects large and small, controlling site access is easy.  We can make sure you know who is onsite in real time, all the time.

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Prestarts and inspections

Get effective tools into the hands of your team and see the results. Want to be notified when an issue is identified or a plant item needs an unscheduled repair?  Adopting 3D Safety's solutions will help you become paperless.

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Observation Inspections

Our Solution


Confidence comes from making decisions based on current, relevant and complete information.  3D Safety's elegant solution captures evidence of positive action taken by your team, streamlines process and delivers real time insights to operations and leadership teams. 


How you benefit

Boost Productivity
By streamlining Process, Plant and People into one application, 3D Safety gets people on the job quicker, information to you in real-time, and improves efficiencies across your entire operation.
Mitigate Risk
Reduce exposure and improve the speed of response by making safety quick, effective and transparent.
Go Paperless
Stop those "endless" forms and eliminate the paperwork...entirely. Now it's in your 3D Safety app with real time access by those who need it the most.
Eliminate Duplication
Make every action and activity count instead of just compliance tick box-ing. Remove process duplication and stifling systems of work. Drive engagement and innovation to flip your team into proactive mode.
Get Supported
3D Safety's approach actively engages with your workforce to draw insights and identify key areas for training and support. Our intuitive solutions are centrally supported when you need it. We're great listeners... and better communicators.

What our clients say...

...the investment in 3D Safety was recouped many times over within the first 12 months of the project.

Lendlease Bouygues JV

...with 3D Safety, I know who is onsite in real time, all the time.  We have run several evacuation drills and the process is simple, quick and effective...

Rozelle Interchange - Westconnex 3B
John Holland CPB Contractors JV

Latest News

Improved CoR Reporting

As part of our continuous improvement strategy at 3D Safety, we are updating some of the information you can capture for transport and logistic items of plant.

Feature: Digitising Onboarding

We are all familiar with the process where skilled trades and workers are shuffled into a site shed for 4-6 hours while they listen to safety managers run through powerpoints: Compliance; Safety; PPE; Community; Quality; Environment; site maps - similar messages on different slides compiled by different divisions in the business. Workers being paid to sit still for four (or more) hours is an opportunity which is proving too good to miss. Instead of achieving only a compliance objective, Principal Contractors are also using this time to upskill their workers with engaging training content.

Improving safety behaviour through Digitalisation

Risks in the construction and infrastructure sector are ever-present. However, by accelerating your company’s digital transformation, you can improve risk mitigation. Changing worker behaviour is one of the leading ways to reduce risk and improve safety but unfortunately, traditional safety reporting metrics are reactive. They look at the end results; the number of near-misses and injuries, rather than the ways to reduce potential risks.

Built by people with boots on the ground

Since 1987 we have been delivering workplace safety services, equipment and training across every industry.

The 3D Safety platform now brings that knowledge to you...at your finger-tips!



Helping you get on with the job


Taking the guesswork out of safety compliance and onboarding.

Our solutions are designed to take the frustration (and paper) out of onboarding, pre-starts and form filling; getting safety done quickly, transparently, and thoroughly so your team can focus on what they do best - getting on with the job.

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plant digging Home Page1

Mining, Oil & Gas

Simplifying processes and automating inspections.

The provision of equipment and people can be risky when you don’t have eyes and ears on the ground across multiple sites. 3D Safety’s platform gives you the visibility you need to effectively manage on-site plant equipment and the people that use them.

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Transport & Logistics

Keep track of your workforce and equipment.

Transport and logistics are a complex business when it comes to safety and productivity. 3D Safety gives you real-time data from all your people and plant across multiple sites. When you have the knowledge at your fingertips, you can make positive decisions that impact the safety of your people...and the bottom line.

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Sydney Light Rail Home Page

Roadworks Home Page


Improving productivity and safety compliance. 

From Federal government to local councils, managing multiple sites with thousands of employees using a huge array of equipment can be a challenge. The 3D Safety app gives you real-time visibility by automating safety processes to drive compliance, tracking plant usage, and getting you the data you need in real-time to drive productivity.

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Manufacturing & Utilities

Making safety quick, effective and transparent.

Whether you manufacture products or deliver a utility, 3D safety can help improve productivity through effective plant management and streamline safety to ensure compliance.

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Plant management Home Page

Recent Deployments

Western Sydney Airport

3D Safety has been deployed across one of NSW's key projects since its inception to manage their plant across multiple packages of work.

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WestConnex - Rozelle Interchange

One of the most complex underground junctions ever built, and with an estimated project cost of $3.9 billion. 3D Safety was selected as the best of breed solution for people and plant onboarding as well as site access.

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Southern Program Alliance

A transformational $3.5 billion+ project forming part of the Level Crossing Removal Project in Victoria. 3D Safety People and Plant capability is used plus site access solutions to worksites across the entire project.

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Find out more...

If you're looking to optimise productivity and mitigate risk across your operations, drop us a line to book a demonstration.